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Tracing package resolution

CommonJS module resolution

If you are using the NPM or PNPM installation model, the CommonJS require() API performs module resolution by traversing physical folders on disk. This is convenient for troubleshooting, as many problems can be understood simply by inspecting folders using your shell. The complete algorithm is detailed in the Node.js specification, but here's a quick summary (ignoring many details such as folder imports and path mappings):

  1. If your import path starts with . or .. or /, for example require('./path/to/file'), then the entire string will be resolved as a regular file/folder path.

  2. Otherwise, the first part will be interpreted as an NPM package name. For example require('one/two/three') would look for an NPM package called one, and require('@company/one/two/three') would look for an NPM package @company/one.

  3. If the API call require('@company/one/two/three') is performed by a script /a/b/c/d/e.js, then the module resolver will look for the @company/one install folder by searching for node_modules folders in parents of the script's folder. In our example, the following paths would be checked (approximately, ignoring many details):

    • /a/b/c/d/node_modules/@company/one/package.json
    • /a/b/c/node_modules/@company/one/package.json
    • /a/b/node_modules/@company/one/package.json
    • /a/node_modules/@company/one/package.json
    • /node_modules/@company/one/package.json

    The first match is taken, ignoring other possible matches. If no match is found, then require() fails by throwing an exception.

  4. Once a match is found, the two/three module subpath is evaluated relative to the @company/one install folder. Let's suppose that /a/b/node_modules/@company/one/package.json was the found install folder; then (absent other mappings) the resolved target path will be /a/b/node_modules/@company/one/two/three.js.

  5. If the package subpath is not specified, for example require('@company/one'), then a main index will be used. The default would be /a/b/node_modules/@company/one/index.js, but most likely an explicit path will be specified by a package.json field such as "main". For example, with "main": "dist/bundle.js", the final target path instead would become /a/b/node_modules/@company/one/dist/bundle.js.

A couple important things to understand about this algorithm:

  • Phantom dependencies are possible: Your node_modules folder was probably created by pnpm install based on some package.json file, most likely the package that owns our example script /a/b/c/d/e.js. However, at no point does the algorithm read THAT package.json file. Resolution only considers node_modules folders, regardless of how they were created. This is the fundamental design flaw that makes phantom dependencies possible, along with "hoisting" which is the dubious practice of intentionally introducing phantom dependencies.

  • Symlinks get normalized: When a package is resolved via a symlink, the folder path is normalized by calling fs.realpath() to eliminate any symlinks, so that Step 3 will visit parent folders from the physical path instead of the logical (with symlinks) path.

    For example: suppose that /my-repo/my-app/node_modules/my-library is actually a symlink to /my-repo/my-library, and the executing script was imported as ./node_modules/my-library/dist/bundle.js. When bundle.js calls require('some-other-library'), the searched parent folder will be /my-repo/my-library/node_modules/, NOT /my-repo/my-app/node_modules. This feature is what enables the PNPM installation model to eliminate phantom dependencies.

    (This was not true in ancient versions of Node.js; see the --preserve-symlinks docs for details.)

🔍 Tracing CommonJS resolution

Let's try a hands-on experiment, to see how CommonJS resolution can be traced by inspecting folders on disk.

1. Clone the demo repo

Clone and install the demo/sample-1 branch from the lockfile-explorer-demos demo repo. You will need to launch the Verdaccio service in a separate shell window. See the Demos repository topic for instructions.

Recall that the demo/sample-1 lockfile looks like this:

dependency graph: demo/sample-1

After running rush install in the ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/ folder, the project C should have the following files:

  • ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/package.json: defines the package
  • ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/index.js: some placeholder source code
  • ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/e/: installed folder for dependency E
  • ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/k/: installed folder for dependency K
  • ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/m/: installed folder for dependency M

Observe that PNPM has created symlinks in the c/node_modules folder. We can inspect them using the shell:

# Example project C's node_modules folder
ls -l projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/


lrwxrwxrwx 1 e -> /home/yourself/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/e/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 k -> /home/yourself/lockfile-explorer-demos/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/@rushstack+k@1.0.0_@rushstack+m@1.0.0/node_modules/@rushstack/k/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 m -> /home/yourself/lockfile-explorer-demos/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/@rushstack+m@1.0.0/node_modules/@rushstack/m/

Observe that:

  • node_modules/@rushstack/e gets symlinked to projects/e because c/package.json declared it as a local workspace dependency ("@rushstack/e": "workspace:*")
  • node_modules/@rushstack/m gets symlinked to a folder under common/temp because c/package.json declared it as an external dependency, installed from the NPM registry ("@rushstack/m": "~1.0.0" without workspace:)

Note: In a Rush monorepo, the workspace: dependency specifier unambiguously determines whether the target is a local project or an external package. This is because Rush silently forces --link-workspace-packages=false. If you are using PNPM without Rush, this may not be the case, in which case you'll have to deduce the answer by hunting for a matching workspace project and then double-checking that its version matches the specified worksapce: range.

3. Resolving with "trace-import"

Instead of inspecting symlinks, we can use the @rushstack/trace-import tool to test how the dependency gets resolved:

# From the folder of project C...
cd ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/

# ...let's try to resolve package M
trace-import -p @rushstack/m


trace-import 0.1.0 -

Base folder: C:\Git\lockfile-explorer-demos\projects\c
Package name: @rushstack/m
Package subpath: (not specified)


Package folder: C:\Git\lockfile-explorer-demos\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\@rushstack+m@1.0.0\node_modules\@rushstack\m
package.json: @rushstack/m (1.0.0)
Main index: (none)

Target path: C:\Git\lockfile-explorer-demos\common\temp\node_modules\.pnpm\@rushstack+m@1.0.0\node_modules\@rushstack\m\index.js

4. Tracing parent folders

Now let's follow the chain a step further. At runtime, suppose that C imports a script from E, and then E in turn tries to import M. Will it work? We might try this experiment:

# From the folder of project C/E...
cd ~/lockfile-explorer-demos/projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/e/

# ...let's try to resolve package M
trace-import -p @rushstack/m


trace-import 0.1.0 -

Base folder: C:\Git\lockfile-explorer-demos\projects\c\node_modules\@rushstack\e
Package name: @rushstack/m
Package subpath: (not specified)


ERROR: Cannot find package "@rushstack/m" from "C:\Git\lockfile-explorer-demos\projects\c\node_modules\@rushstack\e".

Even though projects/c/node_modules/ contains M and appears to be a parent folder of projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/e/, this path traverses a symlink. Recall that the require() algorithm uses fs.realpath() to eliminate symlinks, so the search actually starts from projects/e not projects/c/node_modules/@rushstack/e/.

Warning: If you're creating a tool that needs to resolve imports, do not write your own code that traverses node_modules folders. The presentation here is greatly simplified for learning purposes; the full algorithm is complex and difficult to implement correctly. Instead, use a standard API such as require.resolve(), node-core-library Import, or the resolve NPM package.

ES module resolution

CommonJS is considered a "legacy" module system, and today it is mainly used by Node.js and associated tools such as Jest. Bundlers such as Webpack implement the modern ECMAScript module system, whose most visible difference is that scripts use import instead of require(). (Webpack prefers ECMAScript because import is a declaration instead of an API call, data instead of code, which provides guarantees that enable better optimizations.)

A library will often want to support both import and require(), which requires maintaining separate copies of the code in each format. For example, consider the @microsoft/tsdoc NPM package. Its package.json specifies two fields "main" and "module":


"name": "@microsoft/tsdoc",
"version": "0.14.2",
"description": "A parser for the TypeScript doc comment syntax",
. . .
"main": "lib-commonjs/index.js",
"module": "lib/index.js",
"typings": "lib/index.d.ts",

If present, the "module" field will be used by ECMAScript imports. In the above example, the lib/index.js script will have the import declarations that Webpack understands, whereas lib-commonjs/index.js would have require() API calls that classic Node.js needs.

TypeScript module resolution

At compile time, TypeScript compiler looks for .d.ts files instead of .js files. In the simple case, it simply performs CommonJS or ECMAScript resolution to find the .js file, and then looks for a .d.ts file in the same folder. For example, example-package/dist/bundle.js maps to example-package/dist/bundle.d.ts.

However, like with "main" and "module", you can specify a main index using "typings" as seen above. (The field can be called "types" or "typings" -- they have the same meaning.)

If none of these methods work, the TypeScript compiler will also search for a Definitely Typed helper package. The default naming pattern uses @types NPM scope, like this:

NPM package nameDefinitelyTyped package name

The full spec is detailed in the TypeScript Handbook.

🔍 Tracing TypeScript resolution

The trace-import tool can also be used to try resolving .d.ts files for TypeScript. The command line is the same as in the above example, except that you need to include the --resolution-type ts parameter (-t ts for short).

The trace-import tool is quick and convenient; however, it currently does not implement advanced import mappings and tsconfig.json settings. For the most accurate diagnostics, it's recommended instead to compile your project using the --traceResolution switch for tsc. This option produces megabytes of diagnostic logging, so it's recommended to redirect the output to a file, like this:

cd my-typescript-project/

# Redirect the output to trace.log
tsc --traceResolution > trace.log

# Now you can inspect this file using VS Code
code trace.log

See also