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Lockfile Lint is a companion tool for preventing problems from reoccurring, after you've solved them using Lockfile Explorer. Similar to ESLint, it provides a config file lockfile-lint.json where you can define rules that check for various issues in your lockfile.

Quick start

  1. Lockfile Lint is included in the same package as Lockfile Explorer. If you didn't do so already, install it like this:

    npm install --global @rushstack/lockfile-explorer
  2. Create the lockfile-lint.json config file:

    cd my-rush-repo

    lockfile-lint init
  3. Edit the config file to enable policies that you want to check.

  4. Test the policies:

    lockfile-lint check

    If issues are found, the output might look like this:

    Rush Lockfile Lint -

    Checking project "my-toolchain"
    Checking project "my-app"
    Checking project "my-controls"

    PROBLEM: [restrict-versions] The version of "whatwg-fetch" should match "2.x"; actual version is "3.6.2"

    PROBLEM: [restrict-versions] The version of "colors" should match "2.x"; actual version is "1.4.0"
  5. Add lockfile-lint to your CI validation pipeline. When the tool reports problems, the process exit code will be nonzero, causing the build to fail.

Config file


* Config file for Lockfile Lint. For more info, please visit:
"$schema": "",

* The list of rules to be checked by Lockfile Lint. For each rule configuration, the
* type of rule is determined by the `rule` field.
"rules": [
// /**
// * The `restrict-versions` rule enforces that direct and indirect dependencies must
// * satisfy a specified version range.
// */
// {
// "rule": "restrict-versions",
// /**
// * The name of a workspace project to analyze.
// */
// "project": "@my-company/my-app",
// /**
// * Indicates the package versions to be checked. The `requiredVersions` key is
// * the name of an NPM package, and the value is a SemVer range. If the project has
// * that NPM package as a dependency, then its version must satisfy the SemVer range.
// * This check also applies to devDependencies and peerDependencies, as well as any
// * indirect dependencies of the project.
// */
// "requiredVersions": {
// /**
// * For example, if `react-router` appears anywhere in the dependency graph of
// * `@my-company/my-app`, then it must be version 5 or 6.
// */
// "react-router": "5.x || 6.x",
// "react": "^18.3.0",
// "react-dom": "^18.3.0"
// }
// }

See also