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Demos repository

This section contains a series of hands-on tutorials that explore various lockfile versioning scenarios. The demo content can be checked out from this repo:

The demo packages have names like @rushstack/a, @rushstack/b, @rushstack/c, etc. They are not real packages; instead you publish them to a Verdaccio service that is running on your http://localhost network, which is used by rush install in the demo branches.

Preparing the Verdaccio environment

If you want to invoke rush install or rush update in the demo branches, the Verdaccio NPM registry service must be running. Launch it like this:

  1. If you haven't done so already, install Rush and PNPM tools globally:

    # (You could substitute "pnpm" or "yarn" instead of "npm" here.  To avoid confusing
    # duplicate installs, always use the same tool for global installations!)
    npm install -g @microsoft/rush
    npm install -g pnpm
  2. Clone the main branch of the lockfile-explorer-demos repository. Since you'll need two clones of the repository, we recommend to name this folder "lockfile-explorer-demos-verdaccio":

    git clone lockfile-explorer-demos-verdaccio
  3. Use the PNPM package manager to install the tooling dependencies:

    pnpm install
  4. Launch the Verdaccio service:

    pnpm start
  5. In a separate shell window run pnpm publish-all to publish all of the demo NPM packages to http://localhost:

    # (Open a separate shell window, since "pnpm start" is still running from step 3)
    cd lockfile-explorer-demos-verdaccio

    # The packages are published into Verdaccio's database, which is stored
    # in ./temp/verdaccio/storage
    pnpm publish-all

Now that Verdaccio is running, proceed to the "Checking out a demo branch" section below.

Deleting the Verdaccio database

If pnpm publish-all sees that a given package was already published, it will skip it. If you want to experiment with modifying one of the demo package.json files, you MUST delete the Verdaccio database before redoing pnpm publish-all:

  1. Stop the service if it's already running (CTRL+C)
  2. Delete the temporary files temp/verdaccio/storage/* by running: rm -Rf temp
  3. Now you can redo the steps above ("Preparing the Verdaccio environment")

Checking out a demo branch

Is your "rush install" stalling with ECONNREFUSED warnings?

Will retry in 10 seconds. 2 retries left.

How to fix it: Make sure Verdaccio is running! See above.

Here's the steps for checking out the demo/sample-1 branch. Other branches can be checked out in the same way.

  1. We'll need a second clone for checking out branches. The documentation assumes this one is called "lockfile-explorer-demos" (whereas your main branch clone is "lockfile-explorer-demos-verdaccio"):

    git clone lockfile-explorer-demos
  2. Check out the demo branch:

    # We occasionally update the demos, so make sure you have the latest branch
    git fetch

    git checkout -f -B demo/sample-1 remotes/origin/demo/sample-1
  3. Install the NPM packages using Rush:

    # Verdaccio must be running for this command!

    # If you made changes to package.json, use "rush update --full" here instead
    rush install

    # NOTE: If Rush complains that package checksum hashes have changed, you may need
    # to do "rush purge" first.

Diagram notation

The GitHub branch for each scenario will be labeled like this:

GitHub checkout branch: demo/sample-1

The lockfile is always found in Rush's standard location of the branch: common/config/rush/pnpm-lock.yaml

Each demo includes a visual illustration of the lockfile for that branch. Here's the illustration for demo/sample-1:

Some notes about the above notation:

  • The circled nodes (A, B, C, D, E) are local workspace projects. In the Lockfile Explorer UI, these appear in the "Projects" tab.

  • The rectangular nodes (J@1_N2) are installed external NPM package folders. In the Lockfile Explorer UI, these are called "lockfile entries" and appear on the Packages tab. The labels use a shorthand for the PNPM entry identifier; for example J@1_N2 is shorthand for @rushstack/j/1.0.0_@rushstack+n@2.0.0 in the above lockfile.

  • The vertical dashed line indicates the boundary between local workspace projects and external NPM packages.

  • The blue arrows indicate dependency relationships: If A points to B, this means A has a dependency on B. If the package.json version specifier is relevant, it is shown next to the arrow. For example, J: ^1.0.0 is shorthand for "@rushstack/j": "^1.0.0" in the "dependencies" or "devDependencies" of projects/d/package.json

  • If the package.json has "peerDependencies", they are shown as green lines. If the peer is satisfied, then the arrow points to the resolved target lockfile entry.

Demo branches

Here's a quick list of the demo branches used in this tutorial series: